Dieng Culture Festival is the largest event held annually in the Tourism Dieng Area, at highland Dieng. As the name suggests is a cultural festival with the concept of synergy between the Culture Society, Nature Dieng potential and empowerment of local communities as the basic mission of the event.
Ritual Procession for
Dreadlocks hair is a core event. The variety of events such as; jazzatasawan,
film screenings, shadow puppets and other traditional arts, flying lanterns,
fireworks, carnival culture, as well as exhibitions of handicraft products /
creative industries and culinary of the highland Dieng.
Ritual of Dreadlocks Hair Boy
have purpose that aims to expel bad luck
of the boy and society Dieng In general.
Dieng Culture Festival was
first held in 2010. Previously, it is known as "Dieng Culture Week".
When third year, the event changed its name into Dieng Culture Festival. The
7th Dieng Culture Festival (DCF) has been held for 3 (three) days from the date
of August 5 to 7, 2016.